Sunday, February 6, 2011

my kimono is awesome :)

hi every1! welcome to my new ameba pico blog. i will be sharing everything tht is going on with my pico! in case u don't know, ameba pico is a fun, virtual world on facebook. it's a game. each of my blogposts will have pictures in them so u kno wat i will be talking about for tht blogpost. as u can c, my pico here is wearing a japanese kimono. its rlly pretty and i just got it today. i luv it! ♥ i saved up a lot of AG (ameba gold) for it, bc it costs 200 ag! but it's supercute, dontcha think? even tho i now hav 1 ag (lol) i think it was worth it bc it looks sooo cool. :D and plus, ur pico basiclly glides across the floor wen it walks in long dresses like these. my bow and arrow is from the new valentine's day gacha and my earrings r from that guy in nyc downtown tht sells gangsta stuff lol but idk wat its called or wats his name but i think hes also at the nightclub. That pink heart on my cheek is face paint and it is from the v-day park store which is seasonal and it only costs 14 ag! btw i earn my ameba gold for free. if u wanna no how to earn it for free, then email me if u hav my email adress or leave a comment and ill respond asap! oh and my pico's name is emzilylala but i do not do random adds. srry :( ok well i gtg ill post more wen i get the chance! bye! :]

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