Thursday, April 21, 2011

my photo opp with lady gaga!!

so guess wut guys you wont believe it!!!!!! i MET lady gaga today at a pico event. is she the real lady gaga? who knows. but she is the rl lady gaga on pico at least. she was super nice and i got to take a picture with her!! here are a few:
she was soo nice and i luv her! i asked her for her autograph on my message board but shes busy with other fans as u can see in the background who also wanted a pic with her but she might come to my room later.. who knows? well at least i got to get a photo taken with her! i had soo much fun and i will never forget this day! she was super nice to me and i luvv her no matter how weird she dresses lol :) lady gaga 4ever!!
btw if u wanna meet her, the event is still going on rite now! its on the hot 30 list of rooms/events and its like the eiffel tower or something and its made of solid gold cubes so yeaa. and i wanted to add her as a buddy but she told us tht her director doesnt want her to add ne1 but thts understandable bc shed prob get sooo many requests. also, lady gaga doesnt own the room its a diff person thts the owner idk how he got lady gaga to come to his room but she came and it was one of the best pico adventures ever!! kk so i hope u guys get to meet mother monster too! byee

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