Sunday, March 20, 2011

My daytrip to France!

Hello pico peeps and peepettes! Theres a new location to visit in the pico world and thats paris, france! i love paris and ive always wanted to visit so why not visit it virtually? here in this picture im enjoying some maracons at the french cafe! bon appetit! theyre yummy and give me 10+ gummies! im sitting outdoors here and its a sunny day. i hav a great view of the eiffel tower, too! btw i bought the dress in nyc downtown for 100 ag! i just bought it yesterday. its super cute!

i decide to do some window shopping. everything here looks so cool! i wish i could stay forever! the blue dress in the window is nice.. i think ill take tht! c'est beau!! (its beatiful!) alas, i must go. it was a great trip. but ill come back to visit paris soon! ily france!! bye guys! (btw srry i couldnt write a lot)

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