Saturday, March 26, 2011

my new house :D

heeeyy :)
soo my friend helped me out a bit and made a dollhouse for me on pico!! it looks gr8, rite? im sitting in my pool rite now, which i got the instructions on how to make on youtube. it's pretty kewl, huh? the thing is is tht i need more blue blocks. id buy som but for som reason pico isnt letting me go to som certain places like the casino or flea market. and the flea markets the only place to get blue blocks. pico is dementeeeddd. :P
watevs. my room is awesssoommmee i love it!
downstairs: pool. upstairs: rooftop bedroom! :D and then outside of my dollhouse is my dining room/living room. yaya i lovveeee my dollhouse!! kk byee!

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