Monday, August 29, 2011

katy perry at the 2011 VMAs

hi everyone! so this years vmas was amazing and so was katy perry's outfit! here's the picture of what she arrived in:

now here is my katy perry PICO at the vmas:cute, huh? here's what i wore:

  • "pink hair" which consists of: blonde japanese wig and the pink lolita bow headband

  • pink flowers in my hair (like katy's ;D)

  • dark pink hibiscus earrings

  • joyful butterfly costume

  • white skirt with peach ruffle skirt over it

  • white leapord heels

  • halloween gacha umbrella :)

im so grateful for the moonmans that i won at this years vmas. ily guys! cya :D

Sunday, August 28, 2011


hey katycats! so the vmas are tonight i hope y'all voted! ;D
anyways, so im doing another contest for my pico. its the candyfornia party contest. heres how to enter: either in an email or comment, tell me what is your favorite katy perry song-of ALL time. now here's what you WIN!

  • a live performance of me singing that song for you in concert. and JUST you. a private one song concert just for you. :)

  • backstage passes (in real life ill give u printed fake backstage passes.)

  • since you have those passes, you get to go backstage with me where we have a california dreams after party with food and karaoke!

  • a dance routine performed by my cat, kittypurry XD itll be funny. :D

and that's it! its a lot of goodies, so make sure you enter! contest ends when i get enough entries. the concert will be on a saterday of your choice. :) kk bye!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

backwards panda? o.O

ok so i went to this party in someone's room and it was a really big room u kno those parties with a bunch of rich ppl in them? XD well i went to one and i saw THE CUTEST panda ever!! it was like.. reversed in colors. like u kno how a panda on pico is white with black spots n arms? well on this panda its whole body was black and had white spots!! its sooo weird it must be super rare here's a picture i took:

see what im saying now? its soooo adorable! i want a panda like tht >:O

oh btw about my kathy beth terry friday night bash, only one person came. >:( it was supposed to be more than tht but one of my friends went on vacation and the other who is nicki minaj on pico didnt come. it wasnt as fun as i originally wanted it to be. oh btw nicki, FAK YOU >.<

anyways cya!


Sunday, August 14, 2011


hey katycats!
i have a special annoucement to make. so LISTEN UP or you will get bitch slapped. XD
so there's this party that "kathy beth terry" (aka me in a dork disguese) is hosting and she "asked me" to hand out invites so i decided to just post it here! so here is the invitation:


so yeah! that's the invitation from kathy. ;) if you wanna come, don't hesitate! just show up at my room this friday! if you don't know me, you can come! everybody on pico can come! as long as you kno theres a party from reading this post bc im not making an event for it. kathy is going to be hosting the party. you might ask: what r you gonna do at the party? well theres gonna be food, a live performance of friday by rebecca black by kathy terry herself, and a dance competition! so please come! if i personally know you, please RSVP by commenting on this post or emailing me. if you plan to come just cuz you ran into this blog post and i dont know you but your going to the party, then ok fine you dont have to rsvp. :D TGIF!

♥behind the scenes-superstar swimwear commercial♥

ok so i have a special little treat tht ive been working on! i finished it today and it's a behind the scenes video of my swimwear commercial! check it out:

you like? :) oh and btw my voice is a lot better now and i can sing again! yay :D ok well ill see you guys soon! buh bi!


Friday, August 12, 2011

i lost my voice :O my adventure to... the medical center -_-||

hi people

so i like lost half my voice today. see what happened was, i had to give a private concert to this girl and her baby daughter, which went well. but usually before my concert i like to drink something like lemon flavored iced tea or even just water. helps me sing, but its not like i cant sing without drinking something before a show. so today i didnt drink anything and after my throat was pretty dry. i then went to my tourbus, where it was air conditioned. i felt a little cold and sleepy, so i went into my bed and took a nap. when i woke up, my voice was half gone and my throat hurt everytime i swallowed. my boss gave me some water to drink but it didnt really help so i went to the medical center and the doctor had to take my tonsils out. i wasnt nervous or anything i just wanted to get better so i could sing for my fans again. i didnt want this to get in the way of anything cuz i was in the middle of my CFD tour. the doctor says i have to stay in the hospital for 2 days so i cant really perform for the next few days. but once im back on track, ill do as many concerts as i can. :) my boss came into my room when they got taken out and bought me a cute stuffed bear as a get well gift. :D

ill let you guys kno once i feel better :) bye!


Thursday, August 11, 2011


ok guys so i just finished shooting the commercial for my swimsuit line and i have to tell u guys... its pretty damn good!! check it out for yourself:

pretty awesome, huh? as you can see towards the end of the commercial, theres a picture of all the swimsuits you can buy. there are three bikinis and one that is a one peice. :) if you would like to order one yourself, leave a comment or email telling me which one you want and how many gummies it costs. my personal favorite is the purple strapless bandeau bikini that's lavender. it also has a cute charm on the front that says "KP". these bikinis are affordable. anyone can buy these because they dont cost ag! XD happy shopping!


pico katy perry's new collection of swimsuits! ♥♥♥

hi pico katy perry fans! i have great news today! i teamed up with my favorite designer (and former boss bc i used to be a model for this brand) didier to create my very own line of swimsuits! isnt tht so cool? here's the poster ad:the collection is called superstar swimwear :) the line is pretty small, there isn't a lot of swimsuits. but you can buy these right here on my blog! they are not sold in stores, so the only was to get them is to buy them here! we are in the middle of shooting the commercial, so once its done, i will post it here along with the bathing suit choices that you can buy! ill have details on purchasing the swimsuits in a different post. ok just a heads up-be excited!! :D

behind the scenes-ameba pico california dreams tour

hey katycats! i have some concert candy for u guys :) heres some behind the scenes footage of my california dreams tour on pico. :D

first off, for decorations. whenever im having a concert i decorate the stage with balloons. today we had some very colorful ones shipped in. theyre a nice touch to the stage :)also, we have rose petals on the stage. i like the roses. :D they cost 1000 gummies each.
my choreographer for the concert is jasmine. becca (my boss) is cousins with her. she's a really good dancer. in the california dreams tour, some dances that i do while performing that she has taught me are the Ee Ja Nai Ka and the Box Step. Here's a behind the scenes look at the dance lessons she gives me: sorry i kinda look like a mess, i just threw something on this morning to dance lessons xP heres a picture of us practicing the dance she taught me:

lol.. anyways i gotta go now! its katy's lunch break! :) bye!


my private concert to becca :D

hey guys!
so i just had a priv concert especially for my bffl and boss, rebecca! i dont have pictures from it but she does. heres the link its a separate tab in her blog: she took TONS of pictures :)
i also sang a cover of "friday" by rebecca black for the first time in concert. we both had a fun time ;) anyways just wanted to let u guys kno. and in case u were confused, she got tht private concert because she won my katy perry pico superfan bundle contest which included the prizes of a pico food gift (i sent her hamburgers XD yumm), a private katy perry concert with the doors locked so no one else can come in, and a pico katy perry autograph which i will print out and give to her in person. :] kk bye!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

pico make up tutorial-chocolate dream ♥


ok so im like really bored. -_- so i decided why not do another make up tutorial? again, this look can be on both pico and on yourself in real life so dont be afraid to try it yourself. :) kk here's what you'll need for this chocolate inspired look:

~bronze pencil liner (use a fatter one/eyeshadow pencil if you have one)

~dark brown eyeshadow

~dark brown/black liquid or gel liner

~black mascara

~bronze blush

~reddish brownish lipstick

~eyeshadow primer

ok so heres what you do:

STEP 1: prime your eyes with your eyeshadow primer so that you have a "canvas" to work on and your eyeshadow will stay on longer.

STEP 2: take your bronze eyeshadow pencil and apply it around the inner corners of your eyes and half of your eyelid. dont put the bronze pencil on the whole lid, just half of it and the inner corners to highlight your eyes. after you apply it, blend it in with your fingers.

STEP 3: on the other half, take your dark brown eyeshadow and fill in the other half of your eyelid. dont worry if you make any mistakes because you have to blend it in as well.

STEP 4: using your dark brown or black gel liner, line your upper lash line. dont make the line super duper thick, though.

STEP 5: take your black mascara and apply it on your upper lashes and bottom lashes.

STEP 6: using a thick brush, lightly apply the bronze colored blush.

STEP 7: choose a red lipstick that has a brown tint to it or even a dark brown lipstick and just apply it onto your lips. after, i like to take my minty lip shine to go over it for some extra shine, but that's optional.

and your done! my inspiration for this look was my chocolate casket hat and boots that my pico was wearing. heres what it looks like on pico:


Monday, August 8, 2011

pico katy perry dyes her hair too :D

well, katy perry has been black, red, blonde, and now.. pink!! and like i said in that post with the picture of her and her pink hair, im going to get pink hair accessories to cover up the top part of my blonde wig so it looks like i have pink hair. i got this lolita bow headband that covers up most of my blonde hair, but its not completely pink. anyways, here are before and after pics:



so.. what do you guys think? did you like my hair better black or pink? let me know in the comments! :)


Sunday, August 7, 2011


hey guys! im starting this new series called fanmail fun and what i do is show u guys some fanmail i have gotten recently from my fans on ameba pico. :D i will do a second one once i get more. but yeah here they are:lol the briana girl made lots of typos but i think its supposed to say: love you katy perry! im fan number 1!

heres another batch:
i luv my fans and if you would like to contact me, just leave a message or a letter and you might get featured on fan mail fun! bi!

katy perry superfan bundle contest WINNER!

oh hai derreeee
so i have the winner for the kp superfan bundle contest rightttt herreeee!! the person who entered i thought not only had a cool way of saying ily katy, (youll see what im talking about later) but the person also is a very good friend of mine and will support me no matter what. the winner of the signed pico picture, pico gift, and private katy perry concert is...
REBECCA H!! otherwise known as my manager! i loved the font she used in her entry and i loved her message! since blogger is stupid, i cannot copy and paste the message but i wish i could :(
anyways, congrats becca! :) also a shout out to her because it was her bday yesterday! bai!

From 9 noms to 10! :D

hi katycats :)
i have great news! so i made a post saying that i had 9 nominations at this years VMA's right? well.. thanks to my awesome fans, i now have 10! theres another category and its best message in a video. taylor swift, p!nk, rihanna, eminem, and more artists (including me!) are in that category. im was so shocked with 9 noms and now i have 10! its awesome! and i wanna thank all my fans you guys are the best :D i havent been getting any haters recently like i did a while ago, so things are looking up! make my teenage dreams come true and vote for me! btw the video i got nominated for in the video with a message is obviously, "firework!" so go and vote NOW! #LEZZDOTHIS!

Friday, August 5, 2011


hey guys! so today's kittypurry's "birthday" and to celebrate, me and my boss, rebecca, had a dancing festival XD and we sang happy birthday in an asian accent. im the one with more hats and blonde hair obv :P heres some pics:
lol x) ASIAN!
us dancing like freeks XDDDDDD
lol it was sooo funny hahahhhah ok well best bday wishes to kitty!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

katy perry's pink hair

ok so new pics of katys new hair color FINALLY went up on the internet!! she dyed it pink! i ttly guessed itttt :D

its pretty kewl, huh? well on pico u cant dye ur hair pink and i just bought a blonde wig so.. idk what to do since there are no more color wigs and i have like 22 ag now XD but i "edited" a photo of my pico so it has pink hair just for fun:ugghhh i wished they still had tht pink colored wig so i wouldve bought tht instead :( wutevs. i has a plan though...

so since u can see her blonde roots showing, im going to put on the blonde wig and put as many pink hair accessories on it as possible.. if it works ill post a picture on here. if it doesnt well then.. i wont XD but yeahh anyways just wanted to share some new kp news with ya guys! gtg byee


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My new wig :D

hey guys! so on my smurfs premiere post, katy perry had blonde hair, which she redyed again after (i think she just dyed it blonde to match her smurfette character) but the thing is is tht nobody not even the papparazzi, know what new color she dyed her hair. so i spent like 30 minutes trying to figure out which wig to buy. the colored ones are gone unfortunatly, and there was only blonde, brown, and black. my hair on pico is already black, so i decided to go with blonde, even tho im pretty sure katy isnt blonde anymore. but heres a pic i think its looks kewl but without my sunglasses on i have a big forehead with out the side bangs XD:seee its prettyful huh? lets ppl know tht you fancy XD but now i have like 72 ag :( owell ill get more for my bday or something oh and also, kitty purry's bday is in 2 days!! ill make a special post then! ok bye!

Monday, August 1, 2011

lol look at this blog post:

haha i found this blog post from this person tht posted a pic of a concert i had about a month ago heres the link: go check it out! its pretty kewl being on someone elses pico blog huh? hahaha
ik another fan tht was at a concert tht i had a long time ago and she posted the pics on her blog but i never found it :L anyways the girl tht posted tht pic in tht link i just showed u guys is the brunette sitting in the corner with the cape and butterfly hair pin on :) k, just wanted to share this interesting... thingy with u guys XD lol idk im bored

the didier fashion show LIVE


its katy perry and im writing this post from my phone backstage at the didier fashion show! :D the models r walking the runway right now and im having a blast watching from backstage! the show is going on live rite now on picofashion tv (channel 16 if u have a tv on pico :P) and i just performed "hot and cold" as well as "last friday night" just about like.. 6 minutes ago! the crowd was great, but definetly not as loud as a concert. heres a picture:

and in less than another 30 min, im going to perform during the fashion show finale, which will be "firework!" okay, well see ya! also, dont forget to enter my contest!! bye!


h20 & his eiffel tower :)

ok so as some of you may know, h20 is the manager of really famous pico celebrities such as pico lady gaga (my idol!!), michael jackson, rihanna (i think, but i havent seen her b4), and now, selena gomez. i just met selena today she was supposed to be katy perry but i told her i was katy first got into a little fight (but it was mostly her doing the swearing) after a while she cooled down and nicely changed into selena gomez instead since she kinda looked like her anyways XD it was pretty dramatic.. i thanked her for changing to a different celeb so shes not mad at me anymore i can see why shes so fustrated bc she said that she used to be lady gaga, then katy perry, and then selena gomez so yeah.. but then h20 (her boss) came into the room to test her to see if she could be selena gomez on pico so i think she passed and she did a great performance. i just so bumped into h20 again later today so heres a picture of him and his segway x)god i want tht segway so bad!!!! but im gonna have to wait till i get more ag right now i have 252 ag but im saving up for a colored wig when pico brings them back (hopefully). but if h20 is reading this for any reason, then i just want to let him know tht he has a great company and hopefully i can sign with him one day bc once kp signs with h20, theres no other katy perry. its kinda like an official stamp saying: look dude, im katy perry, ur not, and im signed with h20, a major contractor. BAM! xD lol its true! pico is a weird, wonderful world. :)