Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My new wig :D

hey guys! so on my smurfs premiere post, katy perry had blonde hair, which she redyed again after (i think she just dyed it blonde to match her smurfette character) but the thing is is tht nobody not even the papparazzi, know what new color she dyed her hair. so i spent like 30 minutes trying to figure out which wig to buy. the colored ones are gone unfortunatly, and there was only blonde, brown, and black. my hair on pico is already black, so i decided to go with blonde, even tho im pretty sure katy isnt blonde anymore. but heres a pic i think its looks kewl but without my sunglasses on i have a big forehead with out the side bangs XD:seee its prettyful huh? lets ppl know tht you fancy XD but now i have like 72 ag :( owell ill get more for my bday or something oh and also, kitty purry's bday is in 2 days!! ill make a special post then! ok bye!

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