Sunday, August 28, 2011


hey katycats! so the vmas are tonight i hope y'all voted! ;D
anyways, so im doing another contest for my pico. its the candyfornia party contest. heres how to enter: either in an email or comment, tell me what is your favorite katy perry song-of ALL time. now here's what you WIN!

  • a live performance of me singing that song for you in concert. and JUST you. a private one song concert just for you. :)

  • backstage passes (in real life ill give u printed fake backstage passes.)

  • since you have those passes, you get to go backstage with me where we have a california dreams after party with food and karaoke!

  • a dance routine performed by my cat, kittypurry XD itll be funny. :D

and that's it! its a lot of goodies, so make sure you enter! contest ends when i get enough entries. the concert will be on a saterday of your choice. :) kk bye!


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