Thursday, August 11, 2011

behind the scenes-ameba pico california dreams tour

hey katycats! i have some concert candy for u guys :) heres some behind the scenes footage of my california dreams tour on pico. :D

first off, for decorations. whenever im having a concert i decorate the stage with balloons. today we had some very colorful ones shipped in. theyre a nice touch to the stage :)also, we have rose petals on the stage. i like the roses. :D they cost 1000 gummies each.
my choreographer for the concert is jasmine. becca (my boss) is cousins with her. she's a really good dancer. in the california dreams tour, some dances that i do while performing that she has taught me are the Ee Ja Nai Ka and the Box Step. Here's a behind the scenes look at the dance lessons she gives me: sorry i kinda look like a mess, i just threw something on this morning to dance lessons xP heres a picture of us practicing the dance she taught me:

lol.. anyways i gotta go now! its katy's lunch break! :) bye!


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