Sunday, July 31, 2011

i'm nominated for 9 VMAs... WOW!!

@katyperry: (via twitter) now... u have to VOTE! go to to vote for your favorite videos... (you can pick mine if you fancy)... Off to dream up the outfits!

well katycats, im nominated for NINE MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS!! AHHH! this is so awesome! i would never be here if it werent for my fans! :) luv you all, pls dont forget to vote for katy perry (tht is, if you want? :D) for this years vmas! i have been nominated for best female video (firework), video of the year (firework as well), best pop video (last friday night tgif), best collab (ET feat. kanye west), best art direction (ET feat. kanye west), best cinematography (teenage dream), best direction (ET feat. kanye west), best editing (ET feat. kanye west), best special effects (ET feat. kanye... AGAIN!) and yeah thts 9 nominations! i just wanna let u guys know tht im so stoked tht i have so many nominations! its the most nominations ive gotten for anything, really. well, hope to see you at the 2011 VMAs on august 28th! if you cant come to the real show, make sure to tune in to mtv on ur tvs at 9/8c on sunday, aug 28th!! bye!

ET + last friday night music videos ameba pico style :D


Thursday, July 28, 2011

dancing show

hey guys! so just a few minutes ago i went to this cool dancing show thingy its like a concert except they werent like ne1 in particular type of famous (ex: lady gaga concert, jb concert, katy perry concert, etc) it was these 3 girls tht looked the same and danced in sync which was pretty fun to watch idk why XD but the girl with the black hair and pink lipstick is the owner of the room and its called EPIC FAIL but in cool letters. heres a picture i took:

they didnt seem to have a huge crowd, even tho the room was pretty big but ik tht feeling i used to always have like a few ppl come and maybe like 1 hater at my concerts so i did my best to be supportive. :P just thought id share tht interesting "pico adventure" with u guys it was a good show :) and if the ppl from the dancing group r reading this by any chance, i just wanna say GOOD LUCK with ur other dancing shows!

bye katycats!



hey every1!

so i decided to change up my room a little bit so i completely cleared the room and started to redecorate it. it looks less messy now, but there is a bigger backstage, so let me show you around!
heres a picture of my new room:

so basically the stage im standing on is where i perform, the seats in front of it are obviously where the audience is supposed to sit. i have blocked the stage with an ice cream cone, tissues, an egyptian table, vase, and some plants XD but its important bc otherwise ppl will barge onto the stage in the middle of my concert if i dont. behind the stage is ~backstage~ which i also like to call my "tour bus" since thats where i sleep and stuff when im not having a concert. so basically, tht side of the room is my tour bus. theres a vintage gold chandelier, a bed, and a white TV. :) i like my room better this way before it looked all messy and stuff. ill admit it still does now, but its not as bad. im thinking of buying more flowers to block my stage instead of using a bunch of other stuff but once i do tht, ill take another pic and show u guys! ok bye ;)


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Last 2 chapters from my autobio :)


the first concert tour i ever had was the "hello katy" tour, which was pretty short. it wasnt huge, unlike the california dreams tour im having now. putting me on tour turned out to be successful and a good idea. it was a great experience being on tour. i knew i wanted to do something like that again. the venues were great, the lighting and special effects were awesome and so was the crowd! ill never forget my hello katy tour, the concerts that started it all. :)

my california dreams tour is going to be EPIC! first stop: lisbon, portugal. i went touring in europe before i came to the US. its febuary and im in my sparkly heart dress, waiting for my manager to say: who's ready for katy perry???? thats my signal. finally, i hear more and more people packing into my room (which is where all my concerts are held) when its time, i go out onstage. i start talking to my fans, and then the music to teenage dream starts.

THE END! i hope you enjoyed the book! dont forget to order your hard copy now!


changing the book cover

hi pico maniac katy cats!

so i decided to change the book cover, you know, the book im writing. the last two chapters come out today and then ill start getting hard copies for the ppl who want them. i thought the old book cover with me in a blue dress with kitty purry was a little boring and didnt fit the name of the book so i decided that id change it to this one:

cute huh? i like it :) its better than the older one. in this cover im in a cupcake world and im trying to take the cherry off of the cupcake so i can eat it XD it tasted gooood :D here are the features that come with the HARD copy of the book u cant find anywhere else!

  • the book cover, of course

  • a picture of katy perry from her california dreams tour on the back of the book

  • the lyrics to her new hit single: "last friday night" in a poster :)

so if you would like to order a book, theres still time! stay tuned for the last two chapters! ;)


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Chapters 6 & 7 from my book

ok so i still have a book to finish so here are the next two chaps! 8 and 9 will be the last ones, then itll get published and ill give out hard copies to anyone that wants them!

when i was about 15, i released my first album, but not just any album, it was gospel music on that album, not fun, pop, candyland music that i make today. you see, i grew up with religious parents. they were pretty strict and as a teen, i relized how much i loved music. so my parents signed me up for singing lessons. i became a gospel singer. something was missing though. i didnt know what it was. i went to a friends house one day and she put on some rock and roll music. it was the first time ive ever heard it. it was like a whole new world opened up for me. this is what i wanted, i wanted to be badass and break the rules and become a rebel. later, i signed up with two record labels, both of which decided to "fire" me. things were just not working out. my friends thought that i wouldnt make it as a singer. but i worked hard. i knew what i wanted. finally, my chance came. capitol records decided to sign me, and my first single, UR so gay, released on the internet. then came my more popular one, i kissed a girl. i had to explain this to my parents. i wasnt sure if they were going to like it, being so religious and all. but things worked out with my parents and they jumped on the crazy train with me. :)

on pico, i have to say what inspired me the most to be who i am now is my pico role model, pico lady gaga. shes nice and gives me advice. i went to her concert and met her for the first time in april during spring break. i was like: you know, i wanna be just like her. i wanna have fans, i wanna sing for the world. and so i did just that. i have to say im not as sucessful as her. hopefully, i will be one day. you just have to work hard, believe in yourself, and interact with your fans as much as possible. but being famous doesnt have as much perks as you may think. haters; every singer/actor/famous person has them. you just have to deal with them. as much as i dont like haters, (i dont see why ppl hate so much. the world would be so much more peaceful without all the hate going on.) you just have to bear with it and one day, youll rise to the top. so far up from the ground, that those people hating on you are so far away, and they cant reach you.

Me at the Smurfs premiere!

hey guys!

if you are a true katy cat, you know that she plays the voice of smurfette in the new smurfs movie. heres a picture of me, pico katy perry, at the smurfs premiere on friday!
lol cute, huh? theres a crystal smurfette on the dress. heres the real life picture:how can u not love this girl?? oh yeah and katy perry dyed her hair blonde, so shes been black, blue, ginger, blonde, and now shes dyed her hair to a diff color. well just have to find out later what wacky color shes decided to dye her hair again! ;)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Katy Perry @The Didier Fashion Show

hey guys!! so i have an announcement

so u know how i used to be a model for the brand "didier" right?
well since i am now a famous ppllssss (lol) and i used to be a model anddd since each fashion show has one musical guest, they invited ME to be tht musical guest for this year's fashion show! didier has their annual fashion show each summer either in late june or early august. this years show is scheduled to be august 1st at 8 PM-11 PM. so if you wanna buy tickets to the show, go to ;) if you would like VIP backstage passes, which includes private box seating for you and 3 other friends (so 4 ppl in total including you) plus backstage passes to meet me and all the models from the show, then you have to sign up to pico ticket center's website's VIP gold membership, which has a 1000 gummy fee when you sign up, plus some personal info but overall its pretty quick to sign up. the show is held in the barbie dream house on top 30 list of rooms. backstage passes cost 3000 gummies each. if you want to purchase tickets online, heres the seating chart with prices:

btw the numbers mean how much gummies you have to pay EACH to sit there.

hope to see you at the barbie dream house for the 2011 didier fashion show! ill post pictures from the show :)


Sunday, July 24, 2011

►how to make your blue eyes pop◄

hey katy cats! so today is going to be a make up tutorial just like the one i did for my everyday look. ive decided that im going to post pico make up tutorials here as well but its mainly a pico blog not just make up. and even though its made up (the make up tutorials), you can actually try this urself in real life! so anyways todays tutorial is for all u girls with blue eyes. :) like me! in rl life, katy perry has greyish blueish eyes, so it doesnt really matter what shade of blue ur eyes are, u can still try this! obviously, if u have diff colored eyes, you can still do this make up look, but this is specifically to make your blue eyes stand out and look pretty ;)
so as u can see in the photo above, instead of my normal black eyeshadow, i have bright blue eyeshadow. on pico, all u need is tht bright blue eyeshadow, which i think looks so pretty and since its bright, itll really pop! all u need is 300 gummies to create tht look on your pico! ;P but heres the full make up tutorial based off of this pico look that you can try at home!
you will need:
♥ eyeshadow primer
♥ bright blue eyeshadow (like in the pic above)
♥ a creamy nudeish peachish eyeshadow
♥ shimmery white eyeshadow
♥ silver glitter eyeliner
♥ blue eyeliner in the same shade as your eyes (my pico has dark blue eyes, so a dark blue liner!)
♥ mascara (any mascara will do)
STEP 1: you wanna prime your eyelids with your eyeshadow primer before applying the shadow.
STEP 2: take your cream nude or peach shadow and apply a coat of it across your eyelids.
STEP 3: as a highlighter, take your shimmery white eyeshadow and apply is above your eyelids, underneath ur eyebrows. then, apply some more around the inner part of your eyes.
STEP 4: take your bright blue eyeshadow and lightly brush it over the cream shadow on ur eyelids, but dont over do it u just wanna lightly brush it so that you can still see some creamy nude color underneath the blue.
STEP 5: still with ur bright blue shadow, line the bottom part of your eye as if its eyeliner.
STEP 6: take your silver liquid glitter liner and line the bottom of your eyelids, just above your eyelashes.
STEP 7: take the blue eyeliner pencil the same shade as your eyes and line the inner bottom part of your eyes, above the bright blue eyeshadow. make sure its INSIDE your eyes, so u apply it on ur waterline. this creates a really cool look!
STEP 8: last but not least, apply a coat of your mascara. theres no particular color/kind you need, but u should probably use black. im just using my black mascara from sephora that i used in my everyday make up look tutorial.
and thats it! enjoy your bright, sparkling blue eyes! hope u enjoyed this tutorial! let me know what you think! ;)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

katy perry superfan bundle CONTEST

hey guys! katy here and i decided that i'd make my first ever contest that has to do with me, pico katy perry. if you win, you get the katy perry superfan bundle which includes:a signed photo (signature in right hand bottom corner with "sweet dreams and pink ice creams" in the left hand upper corner.)
plus a private katy perry pico concert just for you and if you'd like, one other friend. if u dont have anyone to bring, then you can just go by yourself. ;)
and last but not least, an ameba pico gift from me! u kno, the ones tht u can send for free tht are either food items, candles, or balloons.
so yeah heres how to enter!!
post a comment OR send me an email saying why you are katy perry pico's biggest fan. the most creative one wins! contest closes whenever i feel like it xD kay make sure you enter! bye!

Ameba Pico VIP club :D featuring JOO WAPA

ok so yesterday my friend and i rented a limo and we drove to this cool club and we had a blast! and no i didnt get drunk. :P we just danced a lot and yeah. basically the club we went to was a pico celebrity hot spot, but i didnt see any famous ppls there. i did meet a few fans though but overall, we had a nice time and nobody seemed to reconize me tht much only those couple of ppl like i said. plus, it was a wednesday so it wasnt as packed as usual but anyways PICTURES!julia driving the limo LOL

dancing :D

Friday, July 15, 2011

katy perry pico's everyday make up look tutorial ♥

so this is just going to be a quick post about my pico's everyday make up look so heres how you can achieve katy perry pico's make up look! here's a picture first:

so heres what you need for this look:

lips: you will need a bright pink lipstick. i use the VS make up lipstick in "be mine" which is a pretty hot pink color. then, i go over the lipstick with my clear beauty rush minty lip shine, also from VS.

face: for foundation, i use my MAC pro longwear SPF 10 foundation in NC20. for blush, i use my signature blush that i use almost every day, which is the urban decay afterglow glide on cheek tint in "crush".

eyes: i use my 24/7 urban decay waterproof liquid eyeliner in perversion, which is just black. for mascara, i use my sephora atomic volume mascara. before applying any eyeshadow, i first use my urban decay eyeshadow primer potion (the original one) and then start applying my eyeshadow. i usually use a shimmery black, like my VS silk eye shadow-sparkle in fierce. then i use my beauty rush (from vs) wet/dry shadow in crystal ball around the top of the black shadow and i also apply a little over the black. for my eyebrows, i use my MAC brow set in "show-off".

i hope you enjoyed this little blogpost :) bi!


taking a break

so my manager's on vacation and its been kinda boring without her. so yesterday i decided to go to the pico mall and treat myself to some stuff! ;) so its almost like a haul! lol so here's where i went: FERRAGAMO



VICTORIA'S SECRET (but i forgot to take a picture)

so here's what i bought:

headband: i had it before xD

earrings: forever 21

boots: forever 21

dollar sign badge: had it before

dress: forever 21

sunglasses: ferragamo

lipstick: victoria's secret


Monday, July 11, 2011

chapters 4 and 5 of my candylicious dream book

now i have a story to tell you guys. and if any of u are wondering if i like my fame or my friends better, its my friends because theyre always there for me. once my friend made a big deal out of how i was famous now and i had no time to hang out with her. she thought i changed. i didnt though and she was mad at me for no reason. we did make up later that day and then she went to my haters's room and posted mean messages on their board for me and i sent child rapers to their house. :D but my point is is that friends always come first. i love my fans, but id give up my fame rather than my besties!

this chapter, i will be focusing on one topic: love. i know that katy perry in real life is married to russel brand, yes? well pico katy perry doesnt have a husband, let alone a bf on pico. why? well ive been having lots of concerts lately and i just feel like i cant make the time for it. but, maybe one day ill meet my prince charming. BLECH THT SOUNDS SO CHEESY! but still, hopefully ill find my teenage dream some day. right now, though, my fans are my teenage dream in the meantime. as emzilylala, i had 2 boyfriends. the first one loved me a lot, but rarely came on. i missed him so i decided to delete him and find another guy. i found another one but he didnt seem to like me that much. i mean, he just talked to me as if we were forced to talk to each other. but anyways, love is a hard thing to understand. as of a right now, im not concerned about it :)

a message to my haterz

hello lovlies
and hello uglies (if u came to my concert today and the days before and u r a hater)
id just like to get the message out tht sometimes when i have concerts i might get a few people at my concert who tell me im ugly or say booo or u suck and stuff like that. heres my response: FUCK YOU, GET A LIFE BC UR PROBABLY A FREAKING 10 YEAR OLD ASSHOLE WHO HAS NOTHING BETTER TO DO IN LIFE THAN SIT BEHIND THE COMPUTER ON UR FAT ASS AND SAY MEAN THINGS TO KATY PERRY (not the real one) some people on pico are real bitches. so after a person hates on me, i go to their rooms after the concert and write a little message ;) so peace out HATER and dont come to my concert CUNT OR ILL KICK YOUR WIMPY SLUT ASS!!!! OK AND IF UR A FAN, SORRY ABOUT THT BUT IM IN A BAD MOOD

Friday, July 8, 2011

My AutoBio Book Cover

here's the cover for my new book: My Candylicious Dream. isn't it cute? and good news: its going to be published by picostar publishings, so if you would like to order a hard copy, feel free to comment telling me that you want one of your own and i will give it to you ASAP! note: you must know me in real life in order to recieve the book.

2 more chapters coming soon! (maybe tomorrow?)


My Candylicious Dream-An AutoBiography by Pico Katy Perry

ok soo i decided tht im going to write my own book! its going to be like an auto bio by me, pico katy perry! i will do 2 chapters each day, since each chapter's gonna be kinda short! well, hope u enjoy!

some people might ask me questions about being katy perry. how does it feel? do u have any haters? what r your fans like? are you very busy? how did you become famous? well i can answer those questions for you in this book. it all started one day when i was just sitting in my room with a friend (who is now my boss). i was really bored, and after meeting lady gaga, i felt like i wanted to be successful just like her. i wanted to have fans and i wanted to have concerts. i wanted my pico life to be more exciting. in real life, i really wanna be like that. so why not do it on pico? where i can live my dream in a little cartoon game on facebook. and so i swapped my red curly hair for long black hair, and changed my red vampire eyes into regular blue ones. from then on, i knew what i wanted. i worked hard and did lots of dress reharsals. at first, i didnt know what celebrity i wanted to be. i decided to be katy perry. my favorite :). and so i made my friend, becca my boss and my other friend, melissa, as my make up artist and wardrobe/costume assistant.

becca and melissa are both very good friends of mine. we hang out all the time. but i can never do a concert without rebecca. what if something goes wrong? plus, shes the one that always starts the concert and everything and gets the crowd settled once they enter my room. im very grateful to have a boss like her. and melissa, shes also a really big person in my life. she does my make up (so i dont have to go onstage looking like crap) and picks out my costumes for me. i think my crew is amazing and i couldnt be here without them. :)

oh what the hell lets do another chapter, shall we?

this chapter is dedicated all to my adorable kitten, kitty purry. shes tan and oh so cute! i got her in new zealand at the pet farm. shes passionate and affable. shes with me all the time and i absolutely love her! im sure if kitty could read, shed love the fact that i titled a chapter after her! :D i bought kitty after i got a lot of ag. i knew i wanted a pet kitten so the first thing i did was go to the pet farm and i bought her for 400 ag, which is the cheapest pets can get. but kitty is very important to me and i think that shes the best cat ever! kitty likes to sleep on my lap and we play together all the time. kitty's birthday is coming up (august 5th) and im planning on getting her a special present. ;) i love kitty!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


look at this skill:

ur head just blew up at tht number xD i barely have gummies but at least i have gold! >:) but now i have 552 after spending it on a dress, microphone, cat, and wallpaper. heres me and kitty purry (thts her name)

awwww so cute! :D i luv my cat♥ i also changed my room up a lil bit:

cool, huh? i luv the wallpaper <3 i was thinking about getting lights for my stage but i decided to save me ag. :) ok let me kno what you think of my richnesses xD bye!


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

launching my purr perfume in canada!

ok so today in the morning, even before my concert, i launched my purr perfume in toronto, canada. the press asked me questions and all tht so here they are:


A: well my fans can expect to have a photo opp with me after the whole performance and during the concert, a lot of fun! i think the california dreams tour is going to be amazing and i have great costumes and special effects picked out as well and i built a stage in my room to perform on. im sure my fans will love it!


A: i think that it's the perfect scent for spring and summer. its very sweet and feminine, just like my personality. i made this perfume for my fans so they can have a little peice of me in a bottle :) im very happy that canada is able to have "purr" available to them now.

Q: how did you come up with the design of the bottle?

A: well, as some people may know, i absolutely ADORE cats, i have a few of my own and purple is one of my favorite colors, so i made a purple cat bottle! :D

Q: when is your tour going to end?

A: well my california dreams tour on pico lasts all summer long, so itll probably end by the end of august.

so yeah, that's it! cya!


a thank you to all my fans :)

ok so i have to say, this is the best concert i ever had! i just finished up my third concert and it was SOLD OUT!!!!!! im so happy and grateful for my pico fans :) i took pictures and signed autographs after the show and everyone was very happy and im happy as well :D so i just wanted to give a quick shout out to all of those who came to my concert today, you know who u are ;) id also like to thank my boss, becca, because shes always there for me during my concerts. so THANK YOU ALL for making katy's dreams come true! my fans are purrrrfect! ;) see ya soon!

let me introduce u to my crew :)

ok so i took this picture today of me, my boss, and my make up artist together. becca (long blue dress) is my manager, melissa (dark skin, brown hair, not doing the "please" action) is my make up artist and wardrobe assistant, and of course theres me, katy, in my blue butterfly dress with a blue rose! :Dok just wanted to show u guys tht quickly. remember to order ur katy perry merchandise!! bye!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

ameba pico katy perry merchandise

ok so as i said in the other post, this post is going to b specifically about my pico's california dreams tour merch. there are glowsticks, cherry chapstick (i kissed a girl and i liked it, the taste of her cherry chapstick. GET IT??), my teenage dream CD, and of course, tee shirts! here are the pics of the tee shirts and the prices:
I love katy perry shirt: 1000 gummies

Cotton candy cloud shirt: 1000 gummies
Hummingbird heartbeat t-shirt: 1000 gummies

katy perry cherry chapstick (no picture): 400 gummies

katy perry glowstick (no pic): 500 gummies

katy perry teenage dream album (no pic): 850 gummies

katy perry cardboard cut out (no pic): 850 gummies

katy perry's face: priceless LOL not sold sorry ;P ok well if u would like one of the tee shirts above, please leave a comment and i will send it to u via email! :) bi ppls! #CALIFORNIADREAMS! #LEZZDOTHIS!


a day in the life of pico katy perry

ok so i changed my look again
a lot
in fact, my name is not emzilylala (ill miss tht name) but change is good bc now im KATY PERRY! i have a concert stage in my room and i already had two concerts, which filled up rlly fast first but then some ppl started to leave after one song but some ppl stayed. hopefully, ill have a sold out concert one day ;) katy had a photoshoot a few days ago bc im going to b on the cover of picostar magazine (my manager, becca, was with me she was taking pics) and i have some behind the scenes footage!

we have just arrived at fumika okana's room! time to take pictures!

this picture was the one that actually ended up on the magazine cover :)after a long day of being katy perry, i decided to go to a chocolate cafe/bakery and i picked up a few cupcakes to share since i looove cupcakes! ♥

ill make another post after this about my katy perry california dreams tour merchandise! youll see ;) byeeeeeeeee