Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Chapters 6 & 7 from my book

ok so i still have a book to finish so here are the next two chaps! 8 and 9 will be the last ones, then itll get published and ill give out hard copies to anyone that wants them!

when i was about 15, i released my first album, but not just any album, it was gospel music on that album, not fun, pop, candyland music that i make today. you see, i grew up with religious parents. they were pretty strict and as a teen, i relized how much i loved music. so my parents signed me up for singing lessons. i became a gospel singer. something was missing though. i didnt know what it was. i went to a friends house one day and she put on some rock and roll music. it was the first time ive ever heard it. it was like a whole new world opened up for me. this is what i wanted, i wanted to be badass and break the rules and become a rebel. later, i signed up with two record labels, both of which decided to "fire" me. things were just not working out. my friends thought that i wouldnt make it as a singer. but i worked hard. i knew what i wanted. finally, my chance came. capitol records decided to sign me, and my first single, UR so gay, released on the internet. then came my more popular one, i kissed a girl. i had to explain this to my parents. i wasnt sure if they were going to like it, being so religious and all. but things worked out with my parents and they jumped on the crazy train with me. :)

on pico, i have to say what inspired me the most to be who i am now is my pico role model, pico lady gaga. shes nice and gives me advice. i went to her concert and met her for the first time in april during spring break. i was like: you know, i wanna be just like her. i wanna have fans, i wanna sing for the world. and so i did just that. i have to say im not as sucessful as her. hopefully, i will be one day. you just have to work hard, believe in yourself, and interact with your fans as much as possible. but being famous doesnt have as much perks as you may think. haters; every singer/actor/famous person has them. you just have to deal with them. as much as i dont like haters, (i dont see why ppl hate so much. the world would be so much more peaceful without all the hate going on.) you just have to bear with it and one day, youll rise to the top. so far up from the ground, that those people hating on you are so far away, and they cant reach you.

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