Thursday, July 28, 2011


hey every1!

so i decided to change up my room a little bit so i completely cleared the room and started to redecorate it. it looks less messy now, but there is a bigger backstage, so let me show you around!
heres a picture of my new room:

so basically the stage im standing on is where i perform, the seats in front of it are obviously where the audience is supposed to sit. i have blocked the stage with an ice cream cone, tissues, an egyptian table, vase, and some plants XD but its important bc otherwise ppl will barge onto the stage in the middle of my concert if i dont. behind the stage is ~backstage~ which i also like to call my "tour bus" since thats where i sleep and stuff when im not having a concert. so basically, tht side of the room is my tour bus. theres a vintage gold chandelier, a bed, and a white TV. :) i like my room better this way before it looked all messy and stuff. ill admit it still does now, but its not as bad. im thinking of buying more flowers to block my stage instead of using a bunch of other stuff but once i do tht, ill take another pic and show u guys! ok bye ;)


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