Monday, July 11, 2011

chapters 4 and 5 of my candylicious dream book

now i have a story to tell you guys. and if any of u are wondering if i like my fame or my friends better, its my friends because theyre always there for me. once my friend made a big deal out of how i was famous now and i had no time to hang out with her. she thought i changed. i didnt though and she was mad at me for no reason. we did make up later that day and then she went to my haters's room and posted mean messages on their board for me and i sent child rapers to their house. :D but my point is is that friends always come first. i love my fans, but id give up my fame rather than my besties!

this chapter, i will be focusing on one topic: love. i know that katy perry in real life is married to russel brand, yes? well pico katy perry doesnt have a husband, let alone a bf on pico. why? well ive been having lots of concerts lately and i just feel like i cant make the time for it. but, maybe one day ill meet my prince charming. BLECH THT SOUNDS SO CHEESY! but still, hopefully ill find my teenage dream some day. right now, though, my fans are my teenage dream in the meantime. as emzilylala, i had 2 boyfriends. the first one loved me a lot, but rarely came on. i missed him so i decided to delete him and find another guy. i found another one but he didnt seem to like me that much. i mean, he just talked to me as if we were forced to talk to each other. but anyways, love is a hard thing to understand. as of a right now, im not concerned about it :)

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