Thursday, July 28, 2011

dancing show

hey guys! so just a few minutes ago i went to this cool dancing show thingy its like a concert except they werent like ne1 in particular type of famous (ex: lady gaga concert, jb concert, katy perry concert, etc) it was these 3 girls tht looked the same and danced in sync which was pretty fun to watch idk why XD but the girl with the black hair and pink lipstick is the owner of the room and its called EPIC FAIL but in cool letters. heres a picture i took:

they didnt seem to have a huge crowd, even tho the room was pretty big but ik tht feeling i used to always have like a few ppl come and maybe like 1 hater at my concerts so i did my best to be supportive. :P just thought id share tht interesting "pico adventure" with u guys it was a good show :) and if the ppl from the dancing group r reading this by any chance, i just wanna say GOOD LUCK with ur other dancing shows!

bye katycats!


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